Beard Oils vs Beard Balms

Beard Oils vs Beard Balms


We get frequently asked “What’s the difference between Beard Oil and Beard Balm?” and “ Which one is best for me?”. When it comes to the selection between Beard Oil or Beard Balm - there’s no one right answer. Every beard is very different in its own way, so it really comes down to your own personal preference.

Beard balms are amazing for longer, thicker beards. It provides a stronger hold from the wax, which helps hold your beard in place all day. On the other hand, Beard Oil is great for thinner and shorter beards because it helps with growth and texture. It provides nourishment for the skin underneath the beard whilst softening the hair, making it easier to run a comb through it.

Reasons Beard Oil might be right for you?

  • Beard Oil is for the skin underneath the beard, helping prevent itchiness, irritation, dry skin, & beard dandruff

  • It helps soften and tame your beard, making it easier to run a comb through.

  • Beard oil can help stimulate growth and creates a nice sheen on your beard to give it that fuller look, especially when combined with styling products.

  • Oil’s smells great as most are made with essential oils and natural ingredients!


    Reasons Beard Balm might be better for you?

  • Beard Balm has a thicker, stickier texture than beard oil and lasts longer. It’s great for those who want to style their beard or want to get a stronger hold, especially taming your flyaway hairs into shape.

  • Beard Balm puts moisture back into your beard giving it more bounce, which is good for those who have thinner beards.

  • It can help stimulate growth.